

Trademark Search

Trademark search is based on official publications of trademark applications / trademark registrations issued by Myanmar IP Department. It will take 7 working days from the date of receiving instruction to reporting search result.

Trademark Watch

Watch service will be based on official publications issued by Myanmar IP Department.

Trademark Registration

The applicants who want to file new trademark registration in Myanmar can inform us details of applicant and proposed trademark for registration, so that we can prepare the required documents (TM-1 and TM-2) for your execution.

E-filing applications are to be filed via stipulated account of trademark representative into IP Department’s E-filing system. There will be examination, publication and opposition procedures (as the case may be) before granting registration. Trademarks are to be used in Myanmar market within three years from the filing date.

The steps of trademark registration:

Step 1

Filing of application and formality check

Step 2

Giving filing Date

Step 3

Examination (Formalities + Absolute Grounds)

Step 4


(Where no Opposition case):

Step 5.             Publication of Grant

Step 6.             Issuance of Certificate

(If there is opposition case):

Step 5.             Substantive Examination (Absolute Grounds + Relative Grounds)

Step 6.             Publication of Grant/Refusal

Step 7.             Issuance of Certificate (if granted)

Trademark Renewal

Validity term of trademark registration will be 10 years from the filing date and it is renewable once every 10 years.

 The owner of a mark shall proceed as follows to renew the term of the registration of a mark;

  1. the application for renewal of the terms of the registration shall be filed after paying the prescribed fees within six months before the end of validity period of the registration.
  2. In case application is filed after the end of validity period it shall be filed within  6 months grace period, by paying prescribed registration fee and late payment.

Trademark Assignment

  1. The person who applies for registration of a mark may apply to the Registrar in accordance with the provisions to record the assignment of his application to any other person or an organization legally established.
  2. The owner of a mark may apply to the Registrar in accordance with the provisions to record the assignment of his rights relating to a registered mark to any person or an organization legally established.

Therefore, trademark assignment may be filed at the stage of application or after completion of registration.

If no application is filed at the Registrar to record assignment of registered mark, such assignment shall not become effective.

Trademark Licensing

The trademark owner or the licensee may apply to the Registrar to record the license agreement with a certified copy of the document granting license after paying the prescribed fees.

If no application is filed at the Registrar to record the license, such license shall not become effective.


Transfer of trademark from the existing owner to the other entity (in terms of Merger) may be filed in the same procedure as the assignment.